Shot 1-60: side - silver whirling tail to lemon and purple dhalia;
middle - silver whirling tail to multicolor dhalia;
Shot 61-120: side - silver tail to gold palm chrysanthemum;
middle - blue tail to brodcade chrysanthemum;
Shot 121-180: side - brocade mine to brocade waterfall:
middle - green tail to red glitters with green palm;
Shot 181-240: red tail brocade crown red glittering/green tail brocade crown green glittering/blue tail brocade crown with blue
Shot 241-300: blue and red glitter mine to blue peony with red glitter
Shot 301-360:side: red tail golden palm green tips Middle: red tail golden palm to red tips
last 40 shots together: blue mines rising to golden strobing willow w/blue stars w/ strobing brocade tail.